Mi Watch and Mi 65W Fast Charger with GaN Tech have been launched by the Chinese company for the European market. The devices were unveiled alongside the Mi 10T, Mi 10T Pro, and the Mi 10T Lite phones. The Mi Watch features an AMOLED display and boasts of 117 exercise modes. It also has GPS support and an advertised 16 days of battery life. On the other hand, the Mi 65W Fast Charger uses gallium nitride semiconductors that have higher heat resistance and thermal efficiency.
Mi Watch, Mi 65W Fast Charger: Price, availability
The Mi Watch is priced at EUR 99 (roughly Rs. 8,500) for the single size variant and comes in six band colour options. Xiaomi has not shared an exact sale date for the smartwatch but states that it will be available soon. The Mi 65W Fast Charger is priced at EUR 29 (roughly Rs. 2,500) and will be available for purchase soon as well.
As of now, there is no information on if and when the smartwatch or the charger will come to the Indian market.